Age: 12+ years, CEFR level: B1 and above, Category: Inclusion, Climate, Duration: 90-120 minutes
Photo by Naitian(Tony) Wang on Unsplash
How can a flight attendant’s uniform shatter stereotypes?
This resource based on a piece of news from the aviation industry shows how an upcoming airlines is setting new trends by blending style and sustainability and shattering the ‘romanticised’ stereotypical image of flight attendants. The resource also draws the attention of the learners towards different jobs and critically evaluates the rationale for having uniforms at work. Discussion questions draw their attention to gender neutral vocabulary and inclusive practices. Using the context of changing trends in uniforms of flight attendants, learners explore different styles of writing headlines, learn some tips for writing effective news headlines and apply the tips to write effective headlines for some pieces of content related to the topic. The choice of follow-up tasks allow the learners an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the topic.
The answer key is provided as a separate document and can be downloaded if required.
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