Age: 12+ years, CEFR level: B1 and above, Category: Social Emotional Learning, Duration: 90-120 minutes
Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash
What comes to your mind when you hear the term ‘war?’
This resource is based on a free verse by Aleksandra Pospovski on the sensitive topic of war. Though this resource is created as a response to the Ukraine Russia war, the larger goal is to empower learners to recognise and express their own feelings and develop empathy towards the feelings of others. The resource prompts learners to draw inferences from images, thus encouraging visual literacy skills. The topic equips learners with vocabulary to talk about memories and express feelings and make connections between the two and also includes a focus on pronunciation. Empathy is developed through questions that prompt the learners to explore and evaluate the context of war gently and sensitively and critical thinking questions encourage them to question gender stereotypes in an age-appropriate way. The answer key is provided as a separate document and can be downloaded if required.
Note: Due to the sensitivity of the topic, we recommend adult guidance for learners below 18 years of age.
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